We take pride in all our cleaning services, it brings us no greater joy than to go above and beyond our Clients expectations. We know how hard it is when you come home from a long hard day of work. The last thing you want to come home to is a dirty house. There's more to life than cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, going to work and repeat.... ugh!!! been there done that.
Also, we know how expensive it could be to pay for daycare, pay the bills than on top of that pay for a housekeeper too!!! so, know that we work with you and for you, so call us today and I promise you won't regret it.
Jenell Kristine Summers
Founder/Owner/Operator of
Reyes Cleaning Services

My goal is to not only create a fun, loving atmosphere but to also add room for growth, it's important to me that my employees get the best experience and opportunities while working here at Reyes Cleaning Services. We are constantly looking to improve so that we can better satisfy the clients we have.


This Logo is so important to me because it brings to life what we stand for as a team. I don't know how many times I've come to find out in my own life that coming home to a dirty house with a long list of things to do is so overwhelming and leaves me not wanting to do anything but lying around forgetting all my sorrows and to my surprise my problems are still there the next day. It really steals the time and energy right out of me and that leaves me no time with my loved ones.
When working here we learn Respect, Love, Teamwork, Organization, and to get the Job done sufficiently, productively, and quickly. There are opportunities for growth, whether it's a pay raise or to move up in the company this will depend solely on the individual hired. I will see if you have leadership skills if you learn to utilize your time wisely and if your attitude is right for the job. It's so important to know the needs of the clients we take on. For each client has specific needs and we must be sensitive to them all.